Strengthening Leads With Special Content


10 Oct Strengthening Leads With Special Content

Everyone knows an agent is only as good as their elevator pitch. And while elevator pitches have typically been limited to in-person interactions, the digital world is making it easier than ever to generate new leads through various resources, as well as reconnect with old ones that may have fallen to the wayside.

If you’re not sure how to start connecting digitally with potential consumers, three great places to begin testing the waters are webinars, videos, and interactive content. Why? Because people’s eyes are glued to screens now more than ever. According to ON24, a webinar and video marketing platform, in 2015 people viewed webinars for an average of 57 minutes — significantly higher than 38 minutes in 2010. When else will you have someone’s undivided attention for an hour? Additionally, one-third of all online activity is spent watching videos and it’s estimated that one minute of video is equal to 1.8 million words, according to Hubspot.

Here’s how to strengthen lead generation with special content in 30 seconds:

Webinars: Webinars great at driving leads because they are active. Unlike an eBook or white paper, which can be downloaded and set aside to read later, a webinar requires engagement. This means the prospect isn’t just interested in your company, but they genuinely want to hear what you have to say. Furthermore, requiring an email address to join a webinar is a great way to build your email list. If you’re not sure where to start, check your inbox. What’s the one question you get asked over and over? Do a webinar to explain the answer. Does one blog post drive more traffic than the others? Dig a little deeper in a webinar. Have a large social following for your agency? Ask the audience and get followers involved.

Videos: While videos are a little more passive than webinars, they’re becoming the number one way to generate leads because, as previously stated, it shows that the viewer wants to hear what you have to say. Keep your videos short and sweet (no longer than 2 minutes) and use them as a way to drive people to learn more about your agency or insurance policies. This can be achieved by posting a social video that moves followers from your social media to your website, creating a weekly series that keeps viewers coming back regularly, or providing a direct call-to-action at the end for downloading a white paper, signing up for a free quote, or more.

Interactive Content: This can be as broad or specific as you like and can easily be tailored to several different audiences. For instance, provide an interactive calculator on your website for consumers to estimate savings by using your company for their insurance needs. Or, create an interactive quiz to help people discover what policy is right for them. You could also create a survey to not only learn more about potential leads but to also let your customers know that their thoughts are heard and valued. Once they’ve completed it, make sure to provide a call-to-action where the user can submit their email to learn more about your agency.

As you can see, digital media is changing the way that leads are generated and agents are engaging with potential customers. For further reading on the future of lead generation, read our white paper here.

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